Friday, December 28, 2007

My friends___Before New Year

One year ago I started from post on my blog about 2006. The time is passing really quickly and 2007 is almost finished J I must confess I don’t feel like New Year or Christmas are coming, it’s like you have some random holidays but nothing special. I started to listen to Christmas songs, tomorrow planning to by Christmas tree and finally clean my room, maybe Christmas mood will come to me???
In such moments you become to value friends the most, even if u are staying in home country it can be heard, You have people with whom you feel ok, with whom you work perfectly but there some people whom you love so much, with whom you have so much good memories, with whom you would love to sit in one sofa and share what was happening during this year and new Year and Christmas is exactly that right time, but you also understand that half of you best friends are somewhere in the world…Yehhh I miss my Legenka, Khruslyachok, Mashul’ka, my Canadian family:), Theresa and Ross, I miss Greg , my lovely favorite intern Garnik, and many many more good people.
My dear friends I wish you love and smiles, I wish you luck and happiness, I wish you to have best people around you to support, to believe in you, to be happy of you :)
Happy that I have people I can miss; it means I found real friends :)

Sunday, December 16, 2007

after my Birthday

He he, yes I'm 21 :)
my celebrations finally ended yesterday :0
The most i was impressed by presents made by my EB, yes i can say they know me and they feel what i want and need, special thanks to Natka and Yul'chyk who had chosen those presents :)
One more thing i want to share the little poem made by one newbie for my birthday, I really appreciate it :), at such moments u feel that u are needed and happy:)

"....Наша Танічка найкращий
Президент на світі
Кращого ніде немає
Гарантує Вітя....
Ти мальньке наше сонце
Добре і пухнасте
Найтепліше в тебе серце
Тихе, попелясте...
Ми тебе разом вітаєм
Бо всі любим ДУЖЕ
Усього тобі бажаєм
Головне - це друзів
І нехай в житті твоєму
Буде все як хочеш
а наступнику своєму
Передай що зможеш ..."

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Ma favourite Christmas English song

Hark! the herald angels sing,"
Glory to the new born King,
peace on earth, and mercy mild,
God and sinners reconciled!"
Joyful, all ye nations rise,
join the triumph of the skies;
with th' angelic host proclaim,
"Christ is born in Bethlehem!"
Hark! the herald angels sing,
"Glory to the new born King!"
Christ, by highest heaven adored;
Christ, the everlasting Lord;
late in time behold him come,
offspring of a virgin's womb.
Veiled in flesh the Godhead see;
hail th' incarnate Deity,
pleased as man with man to dwell,
Jesus, our Emmanuel.
Hark! the herald angels sing,
"Glory to the new born King!"
Hail the heaven-born Prince of Peace!
Hail the Son of Righteousness!
Light and life to all he brings,
risen with healing in his wings.
Mild he lays his glory by,
born that man no more may die,
born to raise the sons of earth,
born to give us second birth.
Hark! the herald angels sing,
"Glory to the new born King!"
Come, Desire of nations, come,
fix in us thy humble home;rise,
the woman's conquering Seed,
bruise in us the serpent's head.
Adam's likeness, Lord, efface;
stamp thine image in its place.
Second Adam from above,
Reinstate us in thy love.
Hark! the herald angels sing,
"Glory to the new born King!"

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

і що це зі мною...

Останні тижні навчання, а я нічого не можу робити, мені не комфортно, не цікаво і навіть все одно, які в мене будуть оцінки.
Дожилася, готова знайти будь-яку роботу лиш щоб не вчитися. І чого то так?? а саме головне, що з тим робити??Народ, хто має поради, як ввечері заставити себе писати курсові і готувати відробки замість, читання статей в неті і розмов з друзями, пишіть...

ПЕС Хочу зими!!!! великого пухнастого снігу і .... свого дня народження :)

Monday, December 3, 2007

the best faci team

Those people made me feel so good during last week.
Thank you guys, for being part of my life.

one more confrence this year....the last in 2007

When I got the answer about selection, first thought that came to my mind – What a wonderful team I’m going to work next month, and exactly the same filling I have right now after new Horizons in Lviv.
This conference is like a ball of energy+ positive emotions+ family atmosphere+ and many many more…..
And now a little bit more about how it was:
“When U don’t know people with whom U going to work next week but u can’t wait to see them, it about Leadership track of New Horizons J So different, with different dreams, different life styles, different AIESEC XP, but U feel so comfortable to work with them.
Today’s evening the last day of pre-meeting before conference is going to start, it’s the first time, when I don’t need to work on my sessions, to re-write my outline, to prepare the ppts. Everything is done already, so I have some time to reflect and think what I want this conference to be for me.
The feeling of being away from my daily work, duties, and problems makes me feel even happier. It’s exactly where I needed to be at this time.
One more thing that there are people I wanted to see, and talk to.”
The conference had started, and second session made a mood for whole conference, thanks to Nadiyka and her Positive Psychology J I think this session is also in top reasons why I felt so good during the conference, it’s really amazing when being faci, u have also time for your personal learning, and from each session you can take something for you.
Sustainability day, - here I chose Education as it’s really what I worry about and where I want to make contribution. I got satisfied about how it was, even I was not in Deloite group, I got a chance to be up-dated what was there while panel discussion. One more thing I have experienced - practicing in synchronic translation for USA volunteer. (I enjoyed it)
One of the rule in the conference – Expect an expected, - yes it’s all about this conference. We got 3rd place in Just Raise it Campaign, - and for me it was unexpected at all, but at the same time one of the most brilliant time while my LCP term J, ur LC is recognized, what can be better for LCP???

Monday, November 12, 2007

Yra!!!!!! Winter is coming!!!!!

Today was snowing all day long..... and It was amazing, everything is wight.

I remind to my self that holiays are coming soon, and it's so great, the best time for me is coming- winter, Christmas...

Monday, October 29, 2007


Because you Happy!!!!
Yes, it was unbelievable filling standing on the closing plenary, when all participants were standing in the circle holding each other hand and singing the song.
First thoughts, URA!!!!! We did it!!!!! Then I looked at the window and remained to my self last 2 month of preparation, different issues with OC and OCP, time when I was happy and time when I was so scared to make some mistakes. And I realized that is over, there is no more worry about venue, sponsorship and money, it’s happened, exist!!! I started to cry, I was so happy about it.
Then I reminded to my self the conversation with Vova, last evening before the conference. I was sharing my fears and telling that is the most challenging time for me. I remember I told: “I want Sunday!!!!! The most I want Sunday!!!” Then I remind Birthday party when he came to me and send: “Tanya it’s already Sunday, are you Happy?” And I said “yes, I’m”.
The episodes where clicking so fast in my head. Conference it self, birthday party, when some LCs are congratulating u, present from alumnus, then telephone call to Yura Fylyuk – I was so happy to say happy Birthday to him in front of all delegates, and sing HB song with Franik freshes, faci meetings during the night and people that are coming to you to say Thank you for amazing job.
I was standing and crying – the biggest challenge can be the biggest achievement and the biggest happiness at the same time and only U are responsible what it’s going to be for you!

Monday, October 22, 2007

It's all about people

Так, є різні люди...
хтось підтримує, хтось дорікає, намагається будь-що вказати на твої помилки, правда коли в тебе щось виходить, чомусь забуває про це сказати... але це ж наромально. Чи ні???
Чомусь люди від яких ти чекаєш підтримки, і просто хорошого слова, в найважчі моменти ти чуєш тільки докори і зневагу.
Чому люди так легко роблять висновки і малюють в своїй голові картинки, - навіть не намагаючись розібратися, що ж насправді коїться?
а ще, що таке челендж про який ми так багато говорим в AIESECу? Це щось спеціально придумане для лузерів щоб хоч якось дати пояснення ситуаціям які відбуваються?? чи то так має бути, щоб сказати, що ти в організації була не дарма???
А ще де межа між роботою і фаном в AIESECу?? Що ж тепер є ця організація?? Роботою, де за будь-який промах тобі обовязково нагадають купу разів, але якщо ти зробив щось вагоме в організації, то так швидко про це забувають..... Це та організація яку будували 59 років??
А знаєте, що ще зрозуміла, що ми дуже всі корисливі, якщо нам щось треба ми так часто обіцяємо золоті гори - лиш щоб отримати своє, а коли воно вже в нас... відмовляємся від своїх слів :) ну то що, може пора мінятися??? А глобал лідерс оф туморов???

Friday, October 19, 2007

Figure Skating

Hm, have never thought that I'm going try it some days. I'm too afraid to broke my lags or hands.
But still, yesterday I did it!!!
Firstly I was just going and touching fence, after 1 hour I started 1 circle without fence campaign!!! Well I was quite successful as for the first time. At the end of my skating I full down and first second thought that I broke some fingers on my lag, but it was ok :)
It was really lovely evening, @ers, freshes, alumni, classmates:) all together

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Один день для себе :)

Так, один день, коли до тебе ніхто не звонить, не просить щось терміново зробити, коли майже весь день належить тобі:)
Нарешті з"являється час подивитися давно заплановані фільми, почитати, і просто повештатися по хаті в пошуках.. мабуть самої сабе і нових планів, цілей думок..
Коли була в борді, такої проблеми в мене не виникало, багато роботи, але в більшій мірі, це робота яку ти можеш робити, в не залежності від дня чи ночі, робота яку ти робиш сам, і хтось дає на неї фідбек... Тепер ж ти є тим хтось, що перевіряє, контролює, мотивує, робить безліч зустрічей в день, і до кого звонять, якщо винакає найменша необхідність :) Мушу сказати, що це таки виснажує, проте, це найціннішй досвід який, я могла отримати.
Тішуся, з того, що все зараз добре, і навіть знайшовся час, просто побути одній... от якби ще Неділя так пройшла........

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Congratulations, Tanya!Your IQ score is 115

This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions you answered correctly on the Classic IQ Test relative to others. Your Intellectual Type is Inventive Inquisitor. You have the unusual distinction of being equally good at math and verbal skills. This means you are a creative thinker and are uniquely good at teaching others through experiences. You are also a great improviser and very good at handling change.
Want to know more about ur self go here

Monday, October 1, 2007

something taken from my heart

When u like somebody, whom u better don’t…it's difficult not to show u feelings to other people and keep going, it's difficult when u see his smile caz u never know what he is telling u by it....

Yeh...There is one man whom I like. For sure he doesn’t know about it, sure I’ll not have enough power to show it somehow to him but still I feel really good. Good to know that I’m coming back, from that period when I didn’t want somebody come to my life.

What is going to be next??? I don’t know life will show it, if there is any chance to be together I want to make it happen.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

The week is almost finished, and I feel my self almost dead.
But I’m not going to write about it. The topic of this post is – my thoughts (as usual evening)
Why really often people do not achieve what they want? I asked my self some days ago.
Well there are lots of reasons, but I found one for my self – it’s our fears. Sometimes even if I want something so much I stop because I see impossible difficulties, or I just think they are impossible. Well this reason had stopped me from doing a lot of cool things last two years that I spend in AIESEC, but after becoming LCP I started to feel that I’m loosing this because I simply don’t have a time to think and evaluate each step I’m taking. Its looks like u are standing on running road and u can just keep going and never give up. Something similar is happening to me right now and the “running road” for me is my members, when I see them, speak to them it’s becoming enough to say to my self I CAN even I really disappointed about some work. Is it mean that I’ve finally found the motivation for this term??? Or I just don’t want to loose?? Or I’m afraid to be the worst LCP?? Or as usual I want to be perfect in every thing I do?? What????

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Evening thoughts

After the theatre
Well, I like going to the theatre… This time it was casual as my sister had two tickets (for her and her boyfriend), any way he couldn’t go, so I use this opportunity. The performance was amazing, I enjoy every minute staying there. It was musical comedy, I don’t remember the name, but it’s not so important.
While the performance, I was thinking what will I miss from Ukraine if I go somewhere to totally different country. I came up with lot’s of things, sure theatre is included there. The other thing is Ukrainian music (my close friends can tell what I like the most) – yes, I love Ukrainian traditional songs, I love Kolomyjky, I believe my wedding will be with lot’s of that kind of music :)
Backing to the performance - the story was happening in Italy. While watching I remind Masha spiting to other people on IC, as in this story is shown when people cannot find the compromise, or just spoiling they spiting all the time. Ha – ha Masha, u truly Italian:)
So, happy and motivated ready to start next week of work

Saturday, September 1, 2007

про людей

От міркую, що керує людьми, які думають тільки про вигоду для себе? Коли в когось щось виходить, в кращому випадку вони критикують, а в гіршому ще й обурюються, як так вийшло.
Хіба так добре жити?? Хіба такі люди, вміють цінувати справді життя???
І чи багато таких людей в АЙСИКу??? хм.. ну декількох навіть сама знаю, сподіваюся... що так воно і є, і таких людей дійсно мало, бо інакше в мене складається враження, що ми не лідерів майбутнього виховуєм, а якихось "монстрів"!!!
а ще чи мають такі люди друзів??? Якщо мають, то яких?? собі подібних?? чи просто бідолах, яких вони використовують поки ті навіть не підозрюють цього....
Знаю точно, що з такими людьми мені не по дорозі, і мені не те що працювати, а й говорити з ними важко....
От такі то в мене думки, в останній день вихідних.........

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

my age

Какой Ваш реальный возраст и сколько Вы проживете? (Триникси)

Ваш реальный возраст 20 лет/года

Вы проживете еще 47 лет/года

Пройти тест!

Monday, August 27, 2007

IC life....or teach me how to sleep 3 hours per day

Well I understand that I haven't written for long time here.. not because i didn't have something to say, I just didn't feel i want.
Right now I'm sitting in Baryga's room along thinking about my life (some kind of reflection) and finally have a strong wish to post something.... Hm however I don't know what... so many things has happened here.
but lets try from the beginning.....
Well the first really awesome emotions I expressed were meeting with Mashenka and UA girls (Svetulya and Innok). I really missed them ... of course Masha the most (Masha how about u???).
Second one about diversity in which I'm living now... 100 countries... 670 delegates.... Wow!! Can u imagine where else U can meet such a number of people????? Well In the next IC (think about it - my EB, LC - there are lots of opportunities to go to Brazil - START TO THINK ABOUT THEM TODAY!!!!)
Thirds one to feel that u are part of something really big and needed.

And now about second part of post. Some days ago (I'm totally lost in counting dates and days here) we had developing leaders day, - which was organized by Caldbury Schweppes and ABN Amro. And we were making the Belbin test, - well I was not surprised that my role is resource investigator (people oriented role), and even was not thinking about it.. but.. on Musha's blog I read some thoughts about it....So what came to my mind:
Being people oriented does it mean that I'm not focusing on results and achievements??? Is it really about me that i cannot finish what I start??? I know for sure that it happened to me really often in high school, but since I'm in AIESEC was focusing a lot in changing my self. And u know what I feel, - that some how I becoming more closed to people around me ... (maybe it's just my feeling), and it makes me sad caz must probably if u developing some characteristics u loose other ones. .....

Friday, August 10, 2007

Thursday, August 9, 2007


6th of August Moscow
Yesterday was completely good day, I enjoyed it really mach.
Firstly me and Lara went to the Kievskaya railway station to change grivnas as no where in the city is possible to do (Quite strange for me). The station is big and not structured; U can easily lost, as inscriptions are really small. Second thing I dislike it’s a lot of people that try to sale u something, also I’ve seen a lot of Asia people, they where dirty and some of them drunk (still we will need to visit this place once againL) – but it was the only one not comfortable thing about yesterday.
While passing underground Passage between the lines I heard beautiful music, some man played on violin, I really love it in subways, the acoustic is really good and u can hear the melody even near the trains. I don’t remember the song but for sure it was on of my favorite as I was almost flying listening to it. I felt my self truly happy being here.
Then we met with other facies that ware still in Moscow (me, Lara, Bashya, Riza, Aigul and Marina). And our tour started.
We started from Peace prospect and were going down the street to Kremlin. Almost all street was under contraction, a lot of workers, all buildings are covered, but in Ukraine if even they cover the building it just about passers-by safety, they don’t care about beauty. Here is buildings are covered everywhere where is repairing going and it looks really good.
Than we came to Kremlin and spend there a lot of time, just walking around the Red squire. Unfortunately we didn’t visit Lenin mavzoley as it was closed. But we’ve been to the Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed, I felt in love with the architecture of it. I recognize that u don’t get tired of watching on that beautiful church.
Generally inside the square it’s looks like in some tails: the red buildings, cathedral, park, everything so beautiful and clean, a lot of flowers and even much more tourists.
Then we’ve been to the park, the grass is really comfortable to sit, a lot’s of flowers everywhere, also there was a lake on which we could see different tail’s heroes. – I loved the park – it remained me parks from American movies. After we visited the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, it situated near the river Moscow also there is a bridge for pedestrians, from where u can see Kremlin and some other architectural buildings.
The last thing from our tour was Old Arbat street. Generally It’s something like Stometrivka in Franik, but much more bigger with souvenirs shops everywhere, with lots of people. There I liked the most different painting pictures and bought some souvenirs but the prices are really high, so can’t offer for my self muchL.
We (me, Lara and Riza) back home really tired, I couldn’t walk after such a trip the same as others.
And than was one of the best evenings in Moscow, firstly we were speaking with Vera – the intern from Slovakia (she lives with us), than I was just speaking with Lara, so good to share stories, problems, dreams, - thank u Larusha for great evening talks I enjoyed it really much – suddenly at that moment I truly understood that I have vacation, and I’m resting!!!!! My phone is blocked so I cannot call or write sms, I don’t have internet access so I don’t know what is happening in LC, - and I realize that it really good as if I have a chance to call or to write something I would do it – but what the reason for it?? Just spend my money?? As still I’m in Moscow and will not back anthill Friday. So it was just needed rest for me before backing home, when u don’t think about ur problems, what u need to do when came back home, just caching all good memories, laughing from fanny staff.
One more special thing, when we were sitting on a kitchen with Lara, Riza came to us, - he came to say Good-bye, as they were leaving in the morning. It was so special words, I thought he will cry, Riza is that kind of man that every women is dreaming about, - kind, friendly, fanny, thankful, thank u my dear friend, my doors are always opened for u.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

First day in Moscow (28th of July)

It was quite long but really interesting day, especially when u getting lost 4 times per day. But let’s start from every beginning.
At 5 o’clock (UA time) or 6 o’clock (RU time) me and Lara finally got to Moscow railway station J. Before that we where speaking and I said that have such a filling that nobody will meet us.. Well when we got out the train I understood that I was right. The main point that we didn’t have any phone numbers, addresses.. for first half an hour we were waiting with hope that somebody overslept and will take us from the station, but then we understood that nobody will. So at 5:30 ua time Lara was calling to Bogdan – as he is the only one who wasn’t on LDS so could help to find some telephone numbers. I can imagine Bogdan’s face after such calling but what could we do ;) So after 2 hour standing near the station, 70 grivnas losing for telephone conversations we got a sms from girl that is supposed to pick us up!! Yra!!!
Then we got squinted with Moscow metropolitan – well I like Kiev’s metro better, but what I really enjoyed there are pictures, different paintings on the walls insight the metro and one more thing that there some part where metro is going outside the tunnel so u can see buildings, nature, - one of such a road is going across the bridge. Ow till this time it’s the best what I have already seen in Moscow – it’s really amazing, especially when it’s sunset and the river is lighted with 1000ts of Flashlights and at the back site u see Hugh buildings lighted as well, somehow it’s reminds me pictures with New York city J really really amazing.
Well we are living in one of sleeping district – me Lara and Riza we even don’t know who is the owner of the flat we are living in, rest facis live in MC flats (they have 2 of them + office). And the pre meetings are taking parts in the other site of the city to take there we need 1,5 hour to take there.
The pre meeting was quite good but we were so tired… When it was time for lunch we went to the supermarket to buy something to eat (the cheapest market here is Kopijka).. and on the way back we lost other facies who new the way back so me Lara and Marina (MC RD) lost in one of the sleeping district of Moscow. I hate sleeping parts of Moscow as all buildings are the same, so if u don’t know the number of house u will never find it.
So we started to search about our building (without knowing what street do we need, what building number, even flat number or code), final we found some similar buildings that we have seen before. We might call to somebody but me and Marina forget their phones at flat ad Lara had mines 25 grivnas so she couldn’t call. So we were going by for half an hour with out any results, then the rain started ….. we stood at some pidjzd and were laughing about our self’s. Then real Thunderstorm started with the lightning and thunders, some men even allowed us to come insight the pidjzd. But after 1 hour we understood that nobody is searching for us we decided do not wait until the rain will stop and just go. The next trying was to scream near the windows of similar houses – maybe it’s ours – but It also didn’t work. Then we got another brilliant idea, it’s looked like flash mob – we decided to ask people about mobile to call rest facies – YRA!! It is worked, we found men that was so polite with us and gave the mobile to call (but for sure his girlfriend at that time was not happy, she was screaming on him almost all those 5 minutes we were standing together). He-he we did it!!! It doesn’t meter that facies were already working for 2 hour and we were still hungry we found the place!!!!
In the evening when me Lara and Riza was backing home we lost our stop so we spend in metro not 1 hour as it’s supposed to be but 1,5 J at the and we got out in the other site from metro so we were searching for proper way to the homeJ so this day I called LOSTING DAY
Stay turned

P.S just got to know today we will have to more people in our flat – 2 Turkish guys J

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Щось такий не зрозумілий настрій останній тиждень.... і написати є що, а не хочеться..
А нині от влипла, як завжди через свою цікавість в от таку то штуку:

Напишите мне коммент и по щучьему велению, по моему хотению...я:
1. скажу, почему я вас добавила/не добавила в список блогов, которые я читаю
2. скажу, какая песня/фильм напоминает мне про Вас
3. расскажу случайный факт про Вас
4. расскажу про своё первое воспоминание о Вас
5. скажу, какое животное/фрукт Вы мне напоминаете
6. спрошу что-то, что всегда хотел знать о Вас
7. Если я это сделаю, Вы должны сделать такой же пост своем блоге

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

"Waiting" day

Сьогоднішній день пройшов під назвою День ЧЕКАНЬ
Все почалося зранку.......
10хв - чекала дома на сейф, який все ж таки привезли :) УРА!!! (локалка готується до перевірки КРУ)
25 хв - чекала на першу власну зустріч з навчальним партнером (після 15хв, я вже почала переживати, що попутала місце,я ж таке люблю, - але на щастя це не той випадок, а просто пробки на дорогах)
1 год. - чекала на лавочці на свого президента і фінансиста, щоб перереєструвати організацію, поки вони документи шукали..... (організацію ми так і не перереєстрували, але пів дня потратили)
20хв ,знову ж таки, чекала на президента - на цей раз щоб сходити в банк і зняти гроші (а потім ще пів години по банку вешталися від одного кабінету до іншого)
20хв - і знову чекала на прихід стажера, який тепер в мене жити буде до четверга :)
І того 2год 15 хв - я чекала на інших людей.. мдаааа
от так то............

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Well, finnaly I'll get an opportunity to hear about this country more, as we have Indian intern. By this time i don't know much but what i know makes me feel that i love this country and really want to go there some days.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

about friends

Somehow I feel sad today....
I understood even if u don't see friends but U know that they are in the same city or even country u feel ok, cas u know u can always go to them, visit them, talk to them... But when some of ur friends are going far far away U begin to understand how important they are in u Life and how u love them.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

А вам слабо!!!!

7:00 ледве встала, бо лягла в 4:00 ранку (вчилася:))
8:00 на зупиці
8:30 все ще на зупинці (а боже, то що вже відмінили пижики??)
9:00 в універі, чекаю на відробку з фінансів
10:00 все ще чекаю на відробку.....
10:30 йду друкувати плакати з права!!!
11:00 в черзі на здачу фінансів, переді мною група футболістів...
11:30 здаю фінанси.. ура мені поставили колоквіум, на якому я навіть н була (1 хороша новина за день)
12:00 здаю конспекти, плакати з права старості, який ще зліший ніж я, так йому і треба
12:30 забігла в піцерію в універі,поїла того тріла, що картоплею називають, пішла на консультацію перед екзаменом з права
13:00 консуьтація.. інший потік доздає залік, який мав закінчитися 4 години тому, не кажучи що залікова сесія закінчилася ще в середу. але нашому правнику то по барабану...
14:00 все ще консультація.... сміх.. ато тупі. той не дивно що заліку немають. не знати що таке ТзОВ
15:00 взнала що нині маю здати тести і контрольну. але після 18:00 - чи він сказився щоб я так чекала!!
15:15 вчуся на лавочці перед універом- паралельно загаряю... мда.. дожилися
18:00 змінила лавочку під універом на коридор перед кафедрою права... чекаю...
18:30 на кафедрі пишу.... от халера, як списати коли ти з викладачем один на один....правда він паралельно ппт накомпі дивиться, але то мене мало спасає
19:00 довольна здаю....
19:00 "Ну що Ігор Теодосійович, може б я вам ще нині тести написала, раз я вже тут так довго...."
19:15 пишу тести.... добре хоч на них маю варіанти відповідей....
19:30 провіряє Ура 15 з 15!!!!! ну щеби списала
20:00 говорим про життя.....
20:15 звонить мама, - "Ти коли будеш дома? я їй: "коли випустять." вона: "а то вечерю я на тебе не готую, добре?" - поговорили.. мда
20:30 паралельно перевіряєм призинтації (ппт) усього потоку (фу, хоч добре що моя йому сподобалася)
21:00 вечеряєм конфетами - я, Він і староста....
21:15 прибиральник культурно просить нас вийти.. помити кабінет треба :)
21:30 Ура почали перевіряти контрольну нас вже 7меро я Він і 5 студентів...
22:00 ну що ж Надобраніч Ігор Теодосійович :)
22:05 спускаюся, ну звісно будівля закрита... шукаю сторожа, він співчутливими очима питає: "Здали??"
22:15 А тепер шукаю вихід з самого універа всі ворота закриті... а якийсь паркан.. перелізла
22:50 ДОМА!!!
а так нічого день вийшов 13 годин в універі, а вам слабо???

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Being happy this evening....

Really simple things... small victories, maybe even not my... but still I'm happy
So why I'm happy this evening?? because off....
- meeting with my EB team;
- mail from Africa intern (he got a visa, so 1st of June he arrives to Kiev)
- mail from Indian intern (he got invitation tomorrow going to make visa to Ukraine)
so we have two interns :)
- 3 ANs from 3 EPs (SNs) that are interested in Unification project (hope companies will be interested in them)
- all forms are in right statys (thanks Mashenka)
- Yurka has matched with Poland today :)

Isn't it good results for one hour????
This day reminded me my speech with Legen'ka one year ago in university hall.
She said that results are coming at the end.... hope she is right and Franik will Rock the House
While my crazy work last two weeks I finally cut some time for my self....
My term is starting soon, what do I feel? I've asked my self this question many what do I feel? Energy, power to change everything I want, a big responsibility to keep my lC growing, happiness to work with new teams, but all those things is more about organization and work..... What about personal, what do I want to change insight me? What to achieve?
I took a paper and wrote things that must happen this year to make me say that I achieved my personal goals, heh... I want sooooo much.... also I need strong mentor to help me put all those "dreams" into actions caz I'm really scare that at the end they will be still my dreams......
I also found some characteristics that I want to change in my behavior, character..Hm huge job is waiting for me this year... motivated to start it soon :)

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Вихідні про які не забуду......

Ну ось знову сама дома..... а ще пару годин назад я сиділа в Репризі з Машенькою... а вчора дивилася Євробачення з найкращими друзями.... а дньом гуляла і говорила про життя.... а зранку працювала з любимою командою ..... а в в 'ятницю гуляла нічним містом, знову ж таки з дорогими мені людьми..... працювала з МОЄЮ командою.... зустрічала на вокзалі дорогого друга..... Хіба не чудесні вихідні???...... три дня щастя, що подарували мені інші :)

Friday, May 4, 2007

At home...... after SprinCo

At home…
It was one of the most difficult conference in @ that I have ever visited. Not because something was wrong or something bad has happened ….. simply because u need to say good bye to some people and hello to another.
Strange feeling... most of them u saw twice but when u understand that it can be the last time…u want to cry. All of them became really close to u.
In other hand u have ur own team and they need attention from ur site, and how can u say - guys wait, wait give me a moment to say good bye to people I was working with last year. One thing I was dreaming about during the conference – divide myself into two parts, make two Tanya’s, were one part can be always with my lovely new team and another spent last days with old EB teams of @ in UA.
Special moment… Closing plenary, when MC team was saying last words to us…When Masha Savranskaya was speaking … in my head I saw different episodes from our conferences, commissions, FM, NEXT meeting….. it looked like well edited movie where u see different pictures changing so fast …. But hear just one voice – Masha’s speech. Oh, it was the most frank, sincere, cordial speech…..thank u Mashen’kaJ
Thank u all delegates, Facis, OCs!!!!

Sunday, April 8, 2007


Скучила за прекрасною можливістю подорожувати. Звісно зараз я подорожою набагато більше і масштабніше.. тепер весь світ може бути мій :) але це вже зовсім інша прекрасна можливість..... я скучила за гітарою і червоними язиками багаттям, скучила за холодом
весняного ранку і першою росою на палатці.....скучила за лісом і холодними річками... горами і долинами, квітами і такими високими соснами........
Багато хто знає, що я займалася туризмом, але що то означає мабуть зрозуміють тільки ті, хто це спробував.
Коли поборюючи свій страх, ти дерешся на скалу, - і ти щасливий подолавши два метри дороги, а якщо ще й тобі не дали штрафних балів.. тоді це вже перемога..

Коли ти прокидаєшся разом з сонцем, вилазиш з теплого спальника і йдеш до гірського джерела щоб остаточно прокинутися, помившись в льодяній воді..... Коли на одній поляні знаходиш більше ящірок (Саламандра плямиста), які занесені в Червону книгу, ніж самих людей....

Мабуть все це можна зробити і зараз... поїхати в гори... в ліс..з палаткою.... на туж таки поляну.... але є шось чого вже не буде.... не буде змагань....... не буде смаку перемоги чи поразки.. а їх було багато.......
а ще я певне більше ніколи, отак просто не побігаю по лісі з картою і компасом.. скорочуючи дорогу через яри і балки, через просіки і вирубку лісів.... коли кожен крок наближає тебе до перемоги....
Дивно так, сидячи дома, і згадуючи, про то як бігала по лісу.. мені стає страшно... то дійсно страшно сама в лісі.. серед змій.. ящірок, з картою, яка вже замазана вся в болоті, - в яке ти впала, ще після першого повороту.... але мені ніколи не було страшно.. я бігла бо знала, що не можу підвести команду.... і то було так прикольно!!!

А ще перша любов... і все ж там.. в горах... коли вже давно сонний час, а ти пробираєшся через ліс, на другий кінець наметового табору, бо так не хочеться спати.......і ніч така місячна... і все так по-дитячому добре... і навіть оппечені руки, чи розтягнуті звязки на ногах, і синяки по всьому тілу від системи і спорядження в якому приходиться ходити мало не ввесь день...... не могли зупинити мене. :)

Thursday, April 5, 2007

one place

By a chance, backing from first revue with coordinator candidate.... i was walking near the Church..... there where evening Mesa.. Suddenly i understood I have strong desire to listen to the priest and chorus. I came cloth er and looked at the Strong and so big Church building.... it was amazing picture - cupola on the front and sunset on background...... I entered.... Prayed ..... and then i understood that it was that thing I really needed.... lessening Church songs so said but so special... because in two days EASTER. I felt peace of mind, I felt the energy, the power that was comeing to me from the walls.

Hm then I've noticed little boy standing near my and crossing his small fingers... he was so happy being with his parents and listening to the Mesa music. Then were a part where all people stood on their knees and worship on pray. Once I looked at the little boy he was doing the same... I had so undescribe feeling....

Finally the Priest started his story we stood up from the knees and I raised my eyes to the ceiling... ow what a beautiful... i sow it 1000 times but once again it was amazing... being in a peace in a place where u can be always happy.....

Monday, April 2, 2007


the elections are over.... something new has started from that day.. but I can't imagine what it will be... yet, try to gather my thoughts, emotions to some common condition.
U know when i really realized what has happened? Not when i was elected or asking questions to VP candidates, or even running revue for them... I realized when i was standing on the char with the bottle of water and was looking at those 4 amazing guys standing below and waiting for the results. It was the moment when i made first decision as LCP, I really believe that it was right.
I'm thankful to Yura for coming and supporting me during the conference, Ylya and my EB team without whom I couldn't make it, Zhenichka for special spirit, Ryzhen'ka for little present, VP candidates for optimism and understanding, and all delegates who where there for being the part of some new beginning.
Also I'm grateful for two special girls in my life who weren't there but still I felt their support during the conference Mashenka and Legen'ka thank u for being the part of my life..

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Читаю.... думаю.. і знову читаю

Я зараз читаю дві зовсім різні книжки за жанром, вирішила поділитися дечим:
1. Леслі Пірс - Чужая жызнь, - щось середнє між жіночим романом (читається швидко), детективом (половина книжки і вже два вбивства і два викрадення), але саме головне, що попри всі події, які описуються, я знайшла речі над якими дійсно задумалася.. Людина кидає все заради іншої людини, і їде в інше місто... зовсім саама - без сімї... друзів.. навіть грошей... - задумалася.. А я б так змогла заради когось зробити? Звісно Україна - це не Англія 60-тих років, а моя мама буде рада якщо я навіть за каліку заміж вийду, лиш би вийшла (то тема іншого дня), але чи могла б я кинути все - друзів.. родину.. і поїхати світ за очі за кимось?
А якщо не закимось.. то навіть просто, я часто думаю про своє майбутнє... і поки що в свому місті я себе не бачу.. та чи стане мені сили, отак зібрати валізу і переїхати кудись??? - от думала я над тим ... і зрозуміла, що рік тому певне б ще сказала - ні, а тепер... не те що так, а Я ХОЧУ ЦЬОГО!!!!!
2. Джим Колінс - Від хорошого до Великого - книжка серйозна про те, що є компанії хороші, а є великі.... і я от читаю і задумуюся а АІESEC в Україні, до чого відноситься ? А куда віднести свій ЛК? Хороший ЛК, хороша країна, а як зробити це великим.. чи достатньо залишатися хорошим?
А ще там написано, що дослідження показали - з 10 компаній, де топ менеджери були іноземці лиш в одній іноземець дійсно допоміг компанії... Хм і знову думаю про АIESEC - а наші МС СЕЕDи, ми таки дійсно такі унікальні і нам корисно брати іноземців, чи ми відносимося до тих 9 компаній... ??????
читаю і думаю................

Thursday, March 8, 2007

The day i was dreaming about last months...... When u can get up when u want and all day Ur's!!! U don't need to be in a harry, don't need to do something near computer.... or meet someone... or participate in something.....
The day.. when u can get flowers from ur friends..... reading book and dreaming about something that u really want to have.... listen to the favourite songs and prepare a dinner for ur self.... Yes i like to cook but simply don't have a time for it.
Today is my day... I got up at 10 .... and felt so happy about it..... then i was cleaning my room - I missed it too.. cause as usual I do it really quickly and never pay attention to the details....
Then i got a call... It was Marta, and she said that Yurka in Franik and want to meet as in a 30 minutes..... I was so happy .... cause this evening I was thinking to write a letter to him, as he is that kind of person I really need to talk at this moment.......
People!!!!! I had amazing evening..... We were talking with Yura about so simple but so important things..... he push me to search..... something new, his opinion was extremely needed for me. Ow Gash........ it's really difficult to tell about my emotion right now.... Thank u!!!! and u are always welcomed to our LC:)

Sunday, March 4, 2007

about Lviv

Till yesterday I thought that Lviv is too gray.. dirty city.... with awful traffic and narrow streets. Actually I didn't like it at all.... till yesterday.....
We arrived to the station near 1 p.m ..... the celebration of Lviv's LC birthday started at 7 p.m so we had enough time to walk around the city and to hear some interesting stories from Nemesh who spend those hours with us.
Well ... it's a first time when I've felt some mystery walking down those old streets.. First time when gray buildings mean more than just some "live houses" but part of the history really old and majestic...
Yesterday was really nice day... the sun was shining so bright.. and it looked as those old buildings... parks...Churches..... were swimming in sun rays...
It was one of those days when I didn't think about work, problems but enjoyed every minute of the day....
Backing to talk about Lviv.. it's a wonderful, majestic city ... i can't say that from yesterday it became my favourite city in Ukraine but for shore one of .......
Want to come back and lost for a while in those cute, narrow streets :)

Monday, February 26, 2007

.. що не говоріть а Франік то велике село.......

За два дня вже два рази в цьому переконуюся!

Вчора вирішила погуляти з одним хлопцем.. домовилися.. я приходжу а тут вже член мого ЕБ стоїть з дівчиною.. це ж треба з усіх точок в місті і з 24 годин в добі вибрати саме те місце і ту годину для зустрічі!!! Хоча добре, що так було.. вечір був класний...... і я тепер хоч одну пасіюю нашого Х мена знаю :)

Але то ще не все.....
Десь з осені в мому списку контактів в асьці появилася одна дівчина.. я думала, що то моя знайома з АЙСИК Києва... ми навіть з нею деколи загальними фразами перекидувалися.. от сьогодні сиджу... і вона мені пише.. так почали ми з нею говорити.. слово за слово і я розумію, що то не та дівчина про кого я думаю... І саме головне вона знає, які в мене завтра пари!!! - дивно... аською з потоку користується чоловік 10 напевне.. а мой номер могло знати і того менше... ну одним словом довго ми з нею гралися в котика і мишки.. я встигла признатися, що вчити на завтра семінар не буду...... потім я ще хвилин 10 вгадувала яка ж то Іра... поки вона не сказала своє прізвище..... Не ПОВІРЕТЕ!!!! отой єдиний семінар, який я не думала на завтра вчити - прийдеться тепер все ж прочитати, бо я пів вечора говорила з своєю викладачкою..

моя вам порада, якщо не знаєте з ким говорите, краще взагалі не говоріть!!!

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Get to know my self better

What Your Hands Say About You

You are artistic, intuitive, and inspired. You have good people skills.

Bold and daring, you're not afraid to change your life if you think it needs an overhaul.

Practical and down to earth, you're a doer not a dreamer. You rather get something done than think about it all day.

Your emotions tend to be nervous and potent. Your energy - both positive and negative - deeply impacts your life.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Біль і радість

Зараз 2:25 ранку.. я щойно зайшла в порожню квартиру, де вже давно не бачила своїх батьків, сестру і навіть кота, а все тому, що вже другий день проводжу на конференції (ЛСС). Зараз здається, що якщо ще трішки посиджу то просто засну за клавіатурою, та все ж хочу дечим поділитися.. адже завтра, коли прокинуся емоції точно вже будуть не ті.
Знаєте ніколи не уявляла, що на протязі години можна відчувати сльози розчарування, жалю, смутку і сльози безмежної радості і щастя..але в АЙСИКУ все буває..
Так сьогодні.... дуже важко усвідомлювати, що людина, яка б мала найбільше тебе підтримувати і мотивувати насправді не вірить в твої сили, не вірить в те що ти робиш, не бачить твоїх результатів і взагалі з скептицизмом ставиться, до всього що відбувається з тобою.. Сьогодні я вкотре з цим стикнулася.. і мені було дуже обідно і боляче.......
Не хочу конкретизувати, з якою подією це повязано.. але я себе сьогодні почувала просто жахливо.. до одного моменту............. Сьогодні в локальному комітеті, крім дісчарчу борда:) відбулася процедура підняття в статусі.... все як завжди... промови.. запитання.. відповіді... але була одна промова, від якої в мене потекли сльози, таких слів, я ніколи ще не чула в АЙСИКу, жодна промова навіть на виборах виконавчих рад так мене не зачіпала.... Дуже прості, але прекрасні слова людини, яка знає чого вона в цій організації... людини в якої дійсно горять очі, і не просто вогником, а великим полум"ям.
Коли я слухала цю промову, я дійсно була щаслива, я насолоджувалася кожним словом і кожною хвилиною.... Я знаю точно, що людина, про яку я пишу зараз рано чи пізно прочитає цей пост. І точно зрозуміє, що то про неї, тому хочу їй написати таке:
Найцінніше, що є в АЙСИКу - це люди, які хочуть змінюватися і змінювати світ навколо себе, прекрасні, розумні люди. Але часто ми про це забуваємо... і тоді народжуються суперечки ..... не порозуміння... конфлікти, і це теж життя!!! Його потрібно приймати, міняти і йти далі!!! Я надіюся, що ти про це памятатимеш і навіть в хвилини великого розчарування (а таке точно буде) завжди зможеш вберегти в собі той вогонь і віру в людей. В такі моменти допоможе натхненна праця і люди, які вже повірили в тебе.
Дякую, за віру в мене і за щирі слова.. за ті три хвилина я знайшла багато відповідей яких довго шукала....
Every day starts today!!!!!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Your Life Path Number is 11

Your purpose in life is to inspire others. Your amazing energy draws people to you, and you give them great insight in return.

You hold a great amount of power over others, without even trying.You have the makings of an inventor, artist, religious leader, or prophet.In love, you are sensitive and passionate. You connect with your partner on a very deep level.

You have great abilities, but you are often way too critical of yourself.You don't fit in - and instead of celebrating your differences, you dwell on them.

You have high expectations of yourself. But sometimes you set them too high and don't achieve anything.

And u know what is the funniest here??? It's true!! Sometimes I don't want to believe in it.. but still it's me

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Monday, February 5, 2007


Натрапила на спільний блог старих айсекерів, які зараз розкидані по світу, вірніше старих дівчат айсекерів. Таке дивне відчуття усвідомлювати, що ці люди теж були в Айсику.. що їх таке доросле і самостійне життя теж починалося з цієї неймовірної організації.
Цікаво, як закінчиться для мене айсик? І саме головне скільки людей я зможу назвати своїми друзями, такими справжніми і вірними....? Я давно говорю, що в Айсику саме головне - це люди.... і ті контакти, які ми будуєм, є найцінніше і найголовніше, для чого варто працювати і досягати результатів.. Скоро закінчиться мій термін.... появляться нові люди, нова команда... для мене почнеться новий рік... Нові здобутки і нові втрати... але що буде з людьми з якими я зараз працюю? Чи буду я знати, що робить моє ЕБ, мабуть за них я ще можу гарантувати , що так, все ж таки в одному місті, принаймі поки що.
Але чи буду я спілкуватися з людьми з айсик України, чи не пропадуть вони десь на зовсім, і стануть такими ж чужими, як були до цього року....
Думала за Вінко, і зрозуміла, що якщо принаймі з 10 - ма % - ми людей присутніх там, через декілька років я буду спілкуватися, їздити в гості і ділитися своїми радостями і невдачами, то можна буде сказати, що я недарма пробула в цій організації :)

After WinCo

Yesterday I came back from WinCo.....

It was so wonderful conference for me..... And u know why?

- I discovered new people, really nice, friendly and so important to me :) I understood that guys that I have never seen serious before can be more serious than me. Guys who really support me also need huge support from my site. And the most important that everything depends on situation..... We can speak a lot about friendship and love but one situation can break everything or build new relationships... I wish in my life and life's of my friends we have just building situations

- I met Yurka Fylyuk and talked to him, first time after summer, thanks Yura for that;

- I got Exchange Functional Award - that was the most an expected event for me and my LC, thanks to Pingvinchyk ( Mashenka) and my commission for that support and believness on what I'm doing;

- I really happy about new MC members, guys I believe that u can rock the house :)
- and the last one during the conference I was looking at our OC, guys that just came to @.... and I want to say I JUST LOVE THEM, they made such a great job and I envy in a good way cause they got such an unbelievable experience...... Thanks my dear lovely guys

Saturday, January 27, 2007

WinCo.............Show must go on!!!!!!!!!!

I'm so exited about this conference!!!!!
Not about elections - it's that part that I don't want to see!!!!!
But I wanna see people....people that became so important for me for last year... guys that are working with me.... with some of them it will be the last time when we will see each other.
I miss my friends..... I miss filling of being a part of something big .... a part of great organisation....
My dear LC Kharkiv, my NEXT team, my VP Xs, MC and specially Savranska, newies and oldies..... just all people I know I can't wait to see u:

end of the story about my EB XP

Then the worsts conference ever.... LDS, somewhere i lost my motivation and passion..... my believes and trust to some people... Something backed to me something..... such a trust, Will never come back......
I'm too tired to write about everything what has happened in that conference and I don't want to do it....
I just want to write that i fill really sorry about people..... all people... who had gone and who is still working.... sometimes we can be so stupid!!!!!!

Then were 1000 of different things... good and bad - wrong and right.......... and at the end of this year I can say - It's my @ XP!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, January 12, 2007

I will be..........

Thanks God finally i know what i want to do next year........ and My opinion won't be changed.... I was thinking so long about it but today.. i found...... everything is about passion...... I believe everything will be just great!!! I'm ready to work full of emotions..... and great mood!!!!!!!!!!

orange girl

Friday, January 5, 2007

Христос ся рождає!!!!!!!!

Це сьогодні Божа Мати
Господиня в Вашій хаті,
Для своєї бо дитини,
В Вас справляє уродини.
Веселий день, весела новина!
Вітає Ісус Вас, маленька дитина!
Вітає і хоче Вам щиро сказати,
Благословення принести до Вашої хати!
Може в тій хаті кого бракує,
Може в тій хаті хто гірко сумує.
Кого бракує - не забувайте,
Хто гірко сумує - розвеселяйте.
Разом з Ісусом маленьким на сіні
Всіх вас вітаєм на Україні,
Щоб ниви зростали без грому,
без тучі Добром наливалися зерна лискучі,
Хай вам Бог в кождім ділі помагає.
Христос ся рождає!

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

about 2006 - part III

I think this part will be the biggest one, as here I'm going to describe the most incredible XP I got this year - my EB XP.....

Everything started from Spring LCC... i didn't expect to go but Ryzha as always changed my
mind. The Conference like the conference - Lot's of motivation... Lot's of @ dances as there where soooo cold..... finally Saturday evening, elections of LCP and EB 2006-2007. I was shocked!!!!! First, that Yura - who came with me to @ applied for VP PD, second he was elected (Hm great job Yura), thirds Chopej applied for VP ER and I thought VP X. The finnal situation was following Yulya Khruslova - LCP, Yura Gavrylyuk - VP PD, Vitya Chopej - VP ER, Natalya Scheglova - VP PR and Brending....... Another shock that the most important direction stayed with out VP. (It was the first time when in my mind I was thinking about this position as something real). Then i asked Yulya what is going to be with X and she said :"we ganna open position for X coordinator"

The application form was opened. i was thinking for a week... I was thinking about my results in this organization and I realized that I don't have so many of them .. i raised just two TNs. I don't know will I'll be able to finish my PBoX, i made not so many meetings .... and what I'm telling I just started to work month ago.
I deleted application from my computer.... and was watching TV.. suddenly Zhenya called to me.. we where speaking for 1 hour.... She said one really important thing - U want results???? apply, work and make them. the most important thing is not about results that are already achieved but it's about Passion, hard working, and results that can be achieved!!!!!!!! That evening i spoke to 5 or 6 people whom i believed ........ so next day I filled the application .... it was hard some questions I even didn't understand.... also i didn't have Internet at home.... (those things weren't on my side)
Then interview.... I remember just one question I was asked.. U know we have 2 candidates for this position, tell as why u are better choice (to be frank i didn't believe at that moment that somebody applied for it too.... but when I got out the office i saw Rusya standing near the stairs.. Ow God he was that second..... ) I realized that i have no chance, Rusya is more experienced and know more then me.

Mon, 17 Apr 2006 22:21:21 +0300

[lc-franik] Coordinators RESULTS!!!!!! the massage on LC -Franik (I was sitting near the computer and looking to the display.... open or not... In my mind different pictures where running all the time...) I was so scare... and funny thing that I don't remember what I was afraid more to be elected or to be not...." In any case this massage is going to change my @ life" - I thought.)

Dear @ Franik,
new Coordinators 06/07
Here are people who will work for you with passion & all their heart
People who will make our lovely LC even more better
................they are..................
LC IS Coordinator - Bachynska Khrystyna-Mariya
LC X Coordinator - Mykhailyuk Tetyana
LC X Delivery Coordinator - Rusyn Oleg
1000s of CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!

Something New has started at that moment.....

Ten day to my first conference....... SprinCo..... guys for that 10 day I learned more than last months... Identity, @ XP .... so simple things now and so difficult and not understandable that time.... I joined different X communities.. to be always in a right direction.. I read dozens documents about X.....I was studying and It's for sure wasn't so easy for me..

SprinCO...... I remember just awful fillings on our way to the Berdik.... my new team or better say some members of EB didn't like me, I felt that I'm still a stranger in this group of people.. they have their own "prikolu", they spend so many days together... Sometimes i wanted to cry.....

In a train we had wonderful session from Kiyashko about Balance Score Card, product leadership.... I felt that for me it's easier to understand it (then to other EB members) cause , I don't know how it was previous year, for me everything were just new and for them different..

We came to Berdik..... wow!!! what a beautiful city!! One more time i wanted to cry .......when Vitya ignored me all the time when i wanted to take some pics :) (at the end of the conference we made the ppt about Franik EB it was so pity when everybody had 4 or 5 pics and me and Christya had just 2, we couldn't choose which one we want to put on ppt as we had just 3 or 4 from all the conference). I know it's not so important thing in working but still for me at that time the support from my team was extremely needed but i didn't get it...

The conference was really great, I got the most important - motivation, I met so many new people, learned so many new things...... first time I started to search for the answers insight me.... I understood that I don't want to work with such a team... so the best way is stop complain and try to change it:)... first I tried to speak to Khristya (before that I couldn't imagine that we can talk as we completely different people), word after word.... She IS SO COOL GIRL!!!!!! How could I think that she is boring.... Ow Khristya thank u so much for those evenings in our room:)

Conference song - Roxette - How_Do_You_Do!!? - even now when I tired but still have a lot of work or when I feel bad I listen this song.....

Ow one more thing ..... as i wrote on WinCo I thought i don't need to know those people - new MC, and on SprinCo i was sorry for that...... U never now what is going to happen next.....

Next month I was busy with my project and X process in my LC, hmm also EB started our beautiful planing according to Balance Score Card....

Well..... I'm not going to tell everything I was doing .....or speak about every event... that i visited as it ganna be the longest post ever.... I just wanna share ...things that i will never forget...

next I'm going to say a BIG Thanks to Vitya:) for keeping me all the time growing... Maybe it's strange to hear but this person motivated me the most.... and u know why??? Because first 2-3 months I felt that he doesn't like me.. he doesn't believe that i can make anything in this position cause i'm too young in @.... all those things made me stronger and gave me a power to work..... :)

to be continued.... (read next posts)

about 2006 - part II

Here I am......

I came back from WinCo.. and started to work in my LC, I had an idea of PBoX and I was really passioned about it. I was ready to become an OCP .........

but before that i forgot to tell about other challenge I got. From November I was working in ICX direction but close to the spring I realized that I didn't do something there.. ... all of us had a list of companies that we needed to contact and everybody did it besides me.. I was too afraid to call to the president of any company. I remember - one evening when I was sitting along in my room..... It was Tuesday.... and I decided - if I don't make a meeting with a company this week I'm ganna leave @... U know, I felt @ the first time that day.

Next day I asked my group friend (she was in @ before me) to help me to make my first call. And i did it - my blood was boiling, I felt every blow of my heart, the adrenalin in my blood was so high that I couldn't stand up... but I did it - first company said to call on Monday, second to call in summer as they changing the structure and thirds one said ok:) let's meet. I made my first meeting on Friday - I will remember that day for a long time.... I didn't singed the contract but the meeting was great.

Then I became the OCP of Summer miracle PBoX... What i learned ? first time I faced with all those management functions that were just a theory for me a month ago. First I was planing .... than i choose a team - guys with whom I was working for 3 month.
I remember the day when i singed two contracts with a summer camp.. and then I had a big challenge to go along somewhere to the region, or better say, to the village where my next camp was situated..... I was walking along from my bus station trying to find that place. All people around me ware looked at me strangely as they so me the first time in their little world.... I was so scare...... 3 times I fucked my self why I didn't take somebody from my OC team to go with me.... but it was too late to think about that... i made another meeting.... after i came back to Ivano-Frankivsk in late evening I set in my room and was thinking ..... u know what? if somebody told me on year ago that I will be traveling along around the region and promoting the project probably I would said U are sick!!!!!!!!!!! It's not about my life. But It was my...
In final case i didn't make this PBoX, now i see few reasons: 1. I didn't make the research before the PBoX (that's why I couldn't match TNs), 2. This PBoX needs preparation about one year and i try to do it in 5 month 3. I think I gave up my hope.. the worst thing when u don't believe in what u are doing... somewhere in the May i realized that it's impossible to do .... And now I think that it was the most important reason .. ...

about 2006 - part I

Happy New year!!!!!

Well, I've already had a blog but after one month of no using it, I forgot the password.. So I would like to start again.
New Year has started 2 days ago, I believe that this year will bring me even more challenges and just make me stronger.
Today I was thinking about 2006..... How it was?
12:00 a.m 1th of January 2006 - tired but happy to get my first @ XP being OCP of New Year party. I was busy all the night organizing the celebration. I don't remember much cause I was too tired and maybe a little bit drunk, but I had a fun.... This XP wasn't so important in @ development but it was wonderful XP that I got for my personal life (specially cooking for two days)
Then I had three bad days before Christmas..... It was the first time when I faced with problems in @, when intern don't have a place to live and nobody cares about it. I understood that reception in my LC it's just a bull shit!!!! so I decided to go to the reception team, I spend with interns all my free time and helped them as I could at that time. after that I got first result of my work....... On winter LCC I got award for being the best reception buddy.
On my first meeting with a mentor I said:" I want to be reception coordinator, I want to change the situation in my LC":)
Then I came to the WinCo.... to be frank I'm really shamed about this conference.. cause I got nothing there, I just spend my money for resting.. I was slipping during all sessions, than i pref ere to read the book I brought with me instead of going to the plenary and listen to the applicants.
I thought that i don't need to now those people, as for sure I won't be able to work with them. I didn't think about any values or @ XP Principles... I even didn't know them. I saw just three speeches - Marinna's, Masha's and thirds one I don't remember who it was. This conference was good time for me to relax and have fun with my LC. that's all what I got!!!!
Now typing this post I want to say: U who are reading this blog, take every possible learning points from every situation, don't go to the conference just to have fun go to learn something and get fun by learning.