Monday, December 3, 2007

one more confrence this year....the last in 2007

When I got the answer about selection, first thought that came to my mind – What a wonderful team I’m going to work next month, and exactly the same filling I have right now after new Horizons in Lviv.
This conference is like a ball of energy+ positive emotions+ family atmosphere+ and many many more…..
And now a little bit more about how it was:
“When U don’t know people with whom U going to work next week but u can’t wait to see them, it about Leadership track of New Horizons J So different, with different dreams, different life styles, different AIESEC XP, but U feel so comfortable to work with them.
Today’s evening the last day of pre-meeting before conference is going to start, it’s the first time, when I don’t need to work on my sessions, to re-write my outline, to prepare the ppts. Everything is done already, so I have some time to reflect and think what I want this conference to be for me.
The feeling of being away from my daily work, duties, and problems makes me feel even happier. It’s exactly where I needed to be at this time.
One more thing that there are people I wanted to see, and talk to.”
The conference had started, and second session made a mood for whole conference, thanks to Nadiyka and her Positive Psychology J I think this session is also in top reasons why I felt so good during the conference, it’s really amazing when being faci, u have also time for your personal learning, and from each session you can take something for you.
Sustainability day, - here I chose Education as it’s really what I worry about and where I want to make contribution. I got satisfied about how it was, even I was not in Deloite group, I got a chance to be up-dated what was there while panel discussion. One more thing I have experienced - practicing in synchronic translation for USA volunteer. (I enjoyed it)
One of the rule in the conference – Expect an expected, - yes it’s all about this conference. We got 3rd place in Just Raise it Campaign, - and for me it was unexpected at all, but at the same time one of the most brilliant time while my LCP term J, ur LC is recognized, what can be better for LCP???


Unknown said...

yep.great conference annd great people in it
hope to see u again guiz
bytheway, next conference take the 1-st place in rasing ok?

Nadiyka said...

Цем :)))

Тетуана МКХЛ said...

hey Nicu, yes we will win next time:)