Wednesday, February 27, 2008

This week I have understood couple things about my self:

1. I work really effectively when I’m pensioned about my work;
2. I work productively when I don’t afraid of doing it;
3. I enjoy Event management mach more than Project Management;
4. I truly love History!!!
5. I’m sad that really soon I’ll go from LC;
6. There are some opportunities that are missed for my already, wish other people to take them;
7. I feel good making presents to my friends:)

Monday, February 25, 2008

Awesame Weekend

Yes, I had really nice weekend.
Everything has started on Friday, when after long – long working day with MC coach we had a little party with LC in Khymera. Well it was not crazy or long, but I got a chance to see our members too speak with them about their plans, feelings etc. I was enjoying speaking about some common things rather its University or AIESEC life, or movie.
On Saturday we had training from Finance team; it was fun, with some exesises and examples. Heh in the evening we had billiard with old AIESEcers, I haven’t drunk so many bear almost for a month. At 11 party was not over we left for my place and continue ur party at my apartment with some comedy, however I so it before so I was partly sleepingJ)) Bogdan went to sleep even fester them me.
On Sunday I was sleaping and watching movie, then I had nice evening with old friend rusya and some crazy movie. Thank you my friends for nice weekend (Ryzha, Shcheglushka, Oksanka, Max, Mykola, Bogdan Rysya, my EB and aiesecers)

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The happiest dreams...

Tonight I saw the dream about my travel to Canada, once again. Nearly once in a month I have an opportunity “to go” to my dream country for a while, and usually my dreams about this place are the happiest and getting up after I feel my self rested and smiling.
Well I already visited 4 countries, but just about this I have so bright memories, so close people living there, so big desire to go there once again. Come to Swan River, walk in familiar parks, go to supermarkets where you can find everything you need and even do not know that is exist in the earth. Visit my host family, program trainer and my friends J.
I for sure know that some days I will do it.
Missing my second home:)

Saturday, February 9, 2008


I had awesome day yesterday! Well, it started from the desire not to go to the University for English Class, what I actually didJ. I was invited to read a lecture about leadership and its connection to youth, so I had more time to prepare myself doing it.
I came to the Gas Company, entered the presentation hall, and was shocked a little bit, in front of person that invited me were sitting people, but definitely not youth!!! At the same time I imagined me standing and speaking about Leadership, CSR and Global Contract to those people…. No I couldn’t imagine it.
Maybe for half an hour I was sitting there and listening to others speakers, when I became calm, I was invited to start the speech. Well the feelings about that are just amazing, they were listening me with full concentration, asking questions – mostly about AIESEC and our projects. Definitely, I made good speech, everybody liked it, so do I.
After my debut in the company, I was just walking down the centre of the city, the san was shining so brightly, it was really hot… just lovely weather to make a walk and arrange some meetings with old friends.
At the and of my wonderful day I visited my best friend with her son, - we were speaking, laughing, and watching idiotic American programs.
Nice Friday, so bright and sunny

Friday, February 8, 2008

think about

А тепер подумай, і дай відповідь на ці запитання
1. Назви п’ять найбагатших людей на планеті.
2. Назви п’ять останніх «міс світу».
3. Назви п’ять останніх лауреатів Нобелівської премії.
4. Назви п’ять останніх лауреатів кіно премії Оскар.
Важкувато, чи не так?
Аплодисменти стихають!Призи вкриваються пилом!Переможців швидко забувають.
А тепер дай відповідь на ці запитання:
1. Назви трьох вчителів, які зробили внесок в твою освіту.
2. Назви трьох друзів, які допомогли тобі у важкі часи.
3. Згадай кількох людей, які викликали в тебе особливі почуття.
4. Назви п’ятьох людей, з якими тобі було приємно проводити час.
Здійсненно? Значно простіше, чи не так?Люди, які щось означають у твоєму житті не в рейтингу «кращих», не мають більше грошей, ніж інші, не виграли найпрестижніших призів…
Це ті, хто піклується про тебе, дорожать тобою, ті, хто, незважаючи ні на що, завжди залишаються поруч.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

"Dyshu" concert program by V. Yama

Yesterday, I was at the Vladislav Yama concert. The preparation was pretty bad - delay for 30 min, the concert took it self just 1 hour, and Yama was dancing maybe 20 min from those 60.
However the idea of this concert is really cool, the only thing that came to my mind that somewhere abroad with such an organization people would never come to you again, but not in Ukraine and our artists (doesn't matter if it dancing or singing or playing) even don't try to make their best at the stage especially when they are coming to the small city.
Hope someday it's going to change.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Yee, I do feel it. Something new is starting ... no, no it’s not about new position or city changing, its insight me and not connected to AIESEC (or I just think so); somehow I do feel that I’m changing …. What I’ve mentioned, I started to give more time for self discovering, I’m reading more, watching TV (mostly News and programs) and movies, I found some time for my old friends, I love studying (yes, I love subjects I have this term and I’m completely happy to go to the University and see my teachers, speak to them), I care more about my health (started with diet and oculist visits), I take everything with positive approach (is it finally my conclusions after New Horizons??? )
My last week, was really cool (small up-date):
1. I got invitation from Oil and Gas Industry Regional Centre to be speaker at their Leadership and career day J (Wow, I will be speaking about AIESEC and it’s connection to leadership in youth in front of young specialists from Oil and Gas industry Companies);
2. One distributing company invited me to hold training for newly recruited students about sales;
3. The best professor of my University (and not only) teaches me 2 subjects (Strategic management and HR management);
4. Our Alumni teaches me Branch Management, yahoo
5. We (EB) has organized cool connection time with LC members (connected to elections that are coming);

Life is good!!!