Sunday, September 9, 2007

Evening thoughts

After the theatre
Well, I like going to the theatre… This time it was casual as my sister had two tickets (for her and her boyfriend), any way he couldn’t go, so I use this opportunity. The performance was amazing, I enjoy every minute staying there. It was musical comedy, I don’t remember the name, but it’s not so important.
While the performance, I was thinking what will I miss from Ukraine if I go somewhere to totally different country. I came up with lot’s of things, sure theatre is included there. The other thing is Ukrainian music (my close friends can tell what I like the most) – yes, I love Ukrainian traditional songs, I love Kolomyjky, I believe my wedding will be with lot’s of that kind of music :)
Backing to the performance - the story was happening in Italy. While watching I remind Masha spiting to other people on IC, as in this story is shown when people cannot find the compromise, or just spoiling they spiting all the time. Ha – ha Masha, u truly Italian:)
So, happy and motivated ready to start next week of work


Dekabrina said...

Таня, я просто в шоке!из того что ты написала, выходит что я плевалась как верблюд..:)ужасно!
твой блог же люди читают:)
я расстроена!

Anonymous said...

Навіть, якщо ти будеш повторювати всім що ти верблюд, все одно люди не повірять, вони ж знають хто ти насправді;)
кіс і хагс