Saturday, October 3, 2009
after long time
yes, I haven't been posting here long. And also I have started to share my professional experience, I get in new web site - its not developed and up-dated but it started to work.
Fanny thing, when you have too many emotions you are out of words to share it with other people. I could write my thoughts about my graduation, Malaysia trip, my experience in AIESEC, however i don't as its really strong feelings I get all the time. And all the time I promise to myself to wait couple days and post something afterwords, but then those important things become suddenly not interesting or not important anymore. I think you feel the same :)
so, If you miss my up-dates, follow me on twitter tetyana_mkhl or
Sunday, August 16, 2009
It seams like I'm more overloaded or just time for blogging has passed for me, will see what will happen next.
Actually why I'm writing this evening its just to make some up-date of my life so far.
In 12 hours I'm starting my trip to Malaysia for International congress 2009, probably last congress as a AIESECer, am I exited? Frankly speaking no, I'm confident, after 2 congress I'm totally sure what I can expect and what not. I'm confident in my mood on the conference as I'm going to see my old friends,have chats on the sessions, in the evening, talks with burning discussions and lots of fun.
hmm, I liked this week, it has been really productive and positive, I had 2 meetings, which for sure challenged me to think up new views and discover new possibilities.
Hmm hope to write more often here as I have a lot of emotions to share.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Yehh, it has been long time since I’ve written last post here, lots of things happened, but I hope I can manage to ketch up with that in next week.
Today I want to share with amazing experience I’ve got this weekend.
Experience of meeting new people, experience of looking at people growth, experience of total happiness and satisfaction from observations, experience of meaningful talks and long night conversations - experience of Summer LCC in my dear LC Franik.
I was not sure should I agree as chairing is definitely not my top strength in AIESEC. Then I remind words of one my friend, about challenges and doing things that scares you every day.
It was really right choice; I spend amazing, relaxing weekends with lots of new people, new friends in family atmosphere.
I was speaking with lots of people during this conference, they are young, they are building their AIESEC, and I’m so happy about their experience. Some of them made me think about my AIESEC experience, some challenged me with the questions, some were so open then it seams we new each other already for years, and all those people are part of organization I was leading.
Thank you dear new friends for your thoughts, ideas, smiles, jokes, eyes, behavior, I’ll remember this weekend for long time.
Thank you EB 07-08, for being there and small re union we had yesterday :))
Thank you EB 09-10, and good luck in your term!!!!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
NGO sector development in Ukraine
“I am a positive person living my life to the fullest and making an impact on the world around at the same time. I love what I do and I am always looking for more to come, live and experience.
I’m working in Educational spare, everyday helping people to discover, learn, experience and take more out of education they get.
Through my leadership skills I’ve gained being active member of AIESEC, I’ve found NGO for children in my local and successfully leading its operations toward happy childhood for everybody“.
The phenomena of NGO sector in Ukraine is strange I would say, we have couple strong NGOs - which usually not Ukrainians and 2 more or less stable Ukrainian (Plast and Forum Molodyh Lideriv (who actually changed their name already)) all rest or really small, existing on their local or founded just for hidden profit from corporate sector (and you really find a lot of them).
On Sunday I went to the biggest book market in Kyiv and I think in whole Ukraine to buy some books for my diploma. I was surprised than I couldn't find anything connected to NGO management, ehh 1 book which is legality of NGO - but even it, was on Russian, - how come when the low is on Ukrainian.
That made me think that having so much problem which goverment cannot solve by them saelf can be put on NGO sector, - but the thing which is needed is development and structure approach towards it. When I came back home I wrote couple thoughts what can be done, and it seams really posible, and even more I would like to make it happen.
Starting something new is a big thing :)
Thursday, April 30, 2009
People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime.
When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed.
They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually.
They may seem like a Godsend and they are.
They are there for the reason you need them to be.
Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end.
Sometimes they die.
Sometimes they walk away.
Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand.
What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done.
The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on.
Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to share, grow or learn.
They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh.
They may teach you something you have never done.
They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy.
Believe it, it is real. But only for a season.
LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons, things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation.
Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life.
It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant.
We all have different types of friends as well. We have friends that are married, single, have kids, younger than us, older than us, family that we consider friends, and the list goes on and on. But each individual person in our life has a special place in our heart that no other can touch. There are those friends you can confide your deepest darkest secrets to and know they won't breath a word to a soul. And there are friends that you tell just enough information to keep them content. There are friends who are a mentor in times when we need them, and there are friends we need to mentor because we have been in there situation and know their scenario is like. Been there, done that ~ we've all used that line at some point in time. And my philosophy is if I can help one person from using the experiences in life I have been through, then it was worth it. It was worth whatever I had to overcome to give advice to another, or to save another from going through trials in life.
You probably have read this article a lot of time, or at least have a time to read it now. I still not completely sure which people come to my Life for what but there is for sure logic in it.
Thank you, for teaching, listening, making me laugh, enjoying with me and crying, I value your being part of my life doesn't matter for how long and with which purpose.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
SprinCo 2009
I was always wandering what will be my best working conference, I got one when I was delegate, and was hoping to experience something like this with any working conference, and I did, last week, sprinCo was and amazing experience, full of fun, emotions, smart decisions, night talks, parties, team experience, meeting new friends, discovering people, yehh a lot to say, a lot to remember :)
There were couple parts which made my conference so great XP, first is my new MC Team, - they are committed and they have a passion to lead this country. Really different, sometimes too fluffy, but can be serious and so productive when is needed, + they ave outstanding sense of Humor, it seams I'll be laughing a lot during this year. I must say all of them surprised me with level of their preparation and openness, it was a big please to work with my core team and deliver first conference.
Second this is NST team, unfortunately I didn't get chance to speak with them a lot, but yes they did great job, especially OGX, without any support from MC VP, I'm proud!!! TMU, yehh new year ad new achievement I'm sure we will do it :)) Thank you TMU corner
Then goes, chair of this conference, - thank you Patryk, for all those conversations, I'm already missing them really much, I got big energy out of them, and your sense of humor, he -he let's go to eat today in Asia :)) it as great, now I understand truly what does it mean right people at right time, hope to meet you this year somewhere :)))))
Delegates , - wow, it was more then I expected, - your preparation much better, understanding and positive aproach towards this conference, I'm sure you will rock the house this year, smart, confident and easy going, please stay like this all year long :)))
MC current- I was looking all conference to see you on the venue, to hear your voice, as Yes I miss you my darlings ;))
OC team, - you never know what to expect when you have conference in Ukraine, I'm happy that my expectation were met, guys your work was great, I'm happy that you got this conference :))
Thank you my SprinCo :))
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
destroyed? lost? tired?
I was walking today, Kyiv actualy beatifull city, nice, green, that made me happy and a bit rest after 1 tuff week.
I need Easter, not that 1 day which I can offer to myself but really Easter......
Sunday, March 29, 2009
One Sunday day
I woke up quite late, the sun was shining so brightly in the room , that it was hard to sleep more. I took good Lipton tea, checked the mail boxes and went to take a shaver.
After words had some breakfast and realize that Ukraine as other 100 countries changed the time, so it was already mid day. I spend couple of hours for me, making manicure/pedicure etc, while doing those procedures I was thinking, actually it was really random thoughts, but I've understood something really important from that.
I've realized that I'm free, thing which was keeping me all the time stressed is almost over, - this is about my studying. My university is almost over, just to write diploma work, - on the topic I like and on the bases of organization I'm so passionate about - AIESEC. So, the end, On Friday I've passed last exam... and.. hmm I got strange feeling that I'll miss those crazy days of studying even i cannot tell it was so much impact full on me. It just about the atmosphere of being student, of having this crazy, relax life. In couple month I'll become graduate, which means I am really smart :)) But actually am I? I know a lot of things, a lot of subjects, but mostly I've learned this from books or AIESEC seminars, not from university teachers. So probably my diploma is not so important to me as my parents think it is. Those thoughts and couple other made me realize that I would like to study once again but in some European University or American, who knows maybe its my next step after AIESEC.
Other conclusion which made me happy about today, I again have more time for myself. I've started my running exercises couple days ago, so today I was able to run a bit more then previous time and still was not dieing, which is really good. If I can keep promises to myself, I'm going to do those exercises every day at least for next 2 weeks. Will see..
The 3rd thing, I've started to read a book "The future of Competition" by C.K. Prahalad, It's really interesting and cheap so I would recommend you to read this book, it gives even more understanding of why AIESEC is really cool organization, ans we should be proud to be part of it. But all conclusions from it in next posts.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Завжди як не в людей )))
Для тих, хто не в курсі, так, я вчуся на стаціонарі в Франику, і так я там не буваю.. вірніше не бувала, і тепер в мене багато проблем через то (((
Зараз в мене активні дні бігання за викладачами, і намагання здати хоч щось, щоб мати заліки і екзамени. Наприклад, один екзамен я здавала у викладачки дома, бо їй не хотілося йти в університет, а чо, добре так було, якщо ще й врахувати факт, що виявляється я знаю її дочку.. хе хе ))А ще один мій екзамен здавала, Христя Шкляр, - поки я була в Італії, хороший такий викладач з охорони праці, трохи сліпий, і не помітив, що христя то хіба четвертина мене.
Вчора в мене знову був новий досвід, якто кажуть вік живи - вік учись. Я здавала залік в поїзді. І він мені нагадав пост 2007 року А Вам Слабо! я просто вчора знову здавала право, щось в мене з цією кафедрою без пригод не виходить.
Так от, в мене викладач довго не хотів приймати залік, ну аж поки час перездас не пройшов, і йому таки позвонив декан, що пора б мене вислухати.
Я для цього спеціально приїхала з Кива, але біда одна, він забув мобільний дома ,тому яф його так і не знайшла, а коли знайшла інший його номер ,то він уже додому їхав (((.
ПРоте, випадково у телефонній розмові виявилося, що ми обоє їдемо одним поїздом до Києва. От і вирішили ми використовувати час ефективно. Залік в купе №4, вагон 10 :))
Прийшла написала, відповіла на питання... ну хоча відповідала я мало, бо для того треба було б ще щось знати. Потім ми ще сиділи години три говорили про життя )) і йому не скучно було їхати і в мене залік є :)))
Тепер би ще 2 здати до пятниці без моєї присутності і було б просто фантастично)))
Sunday, February 8, 2009
sentimental ?? I have what to remember
Сьогодні вийшов у світ новий номер, його президент, вислав чемно на аламні войс, відкрила я цей чудернацько кольоровий документ, і так мені добре стало, так приємно читати, що в них хороші стажери, що людей багато, і проекти є. А ще приємно було згадувати ,як ми (мій борд) писали різні мотиваційні листи, перед виборами нової виконавчої ради, і таки 5 людей тоді купилися ))
Люблю свій ЛС Франик )))...
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
How often you say to people that really matter honest things? How often you say thank you to them? And how often you say I love you? - , because you are my friend or my coach or simply random guy I care so much.
And the biggest paradox is when you have time for it something stops you, you cannot find the power insight to say, to show. You feel that there will better time but actually there will never be, as that was perfect point of time that you already missed…
Why I’m writing it?
Hmmm it took me life to tell to my grandma how much I love her, and I would tell her, but life stopped…
It took me couple years to ask to person I really believe, about his mistakes to avoids them by myself… and finally I did and that made my day the best in last month, so why I didn’t do it before?
It took me a while to understand that there are some people that really care about me… and today I said: “ I love you, caz you my friend, and I’m thankful I have you in my life “ but It was only 1 of those close people I have in my life.
So about people in my life
I have good teachers, in all sense of this word, and I really learn a lot from them, sometimes they can be my family, they can be younger or older for 20 years, they can be my close friends or random people passing by, they can be people from the magazine, or from the movie… hmm seams a lot, I would like to name all those people probably I would spend whole day for that.
Today I want to tell you that I remember about your influence on me and I’m happy having you as my teachers. Even it seams I make some mistakes or don’t listen to you, I really do!
Thank you for making my life meaningful
Friday, January 9, 2009
me and 2008


Finally my 2008
Moments that shaped my heart:
Kolyadku with AIESEC alumni on Christmas holidays, Ukrainian MC election (MCP part),Franik Alumni Event (the best event I've ever had) ITC (the best home group experience, good atmosphere, good friends),National alumni Event, Brazil (my biggest dream came true!!! I would love to make internship in Latin America some days), MC life (everything, - our jokes, my nick names, house, cooking pears etc...), MCP election, meetings with my lovely girls Masha(In Brazil), Legka (In Franik)...
I want to thank to:
my parents and family - for support they give, and forgive me everything so easily. My best friends - Zhanna, Tonya, Legenka, Masenka, Katya :) My team mates: Basnya, Lara, Lyuba, Sasha, Rostya. My EB teams :), Kevin, Angels,Ira Ruseva, Nadya, Betty Mo, Barbara, Deepty, Ewa, Joanna, Anton,Nicu Apostu, Yulian, Eugenie, Udav and MC team, Liya, Ira, LC franik, XQB team and lovely chair Felipe, Garnik, Michal, Dogu, Ira (IDS), Lenka (OCP). Thank you for being part of my life this year...
Thursday, January 8, 2009
it happen so.. sometimes

Hmm, from the beginning of this year, I have so many thoughts in my head and I want to express them, write, but when it comes to writing it self words just disappearing and I don't know what to write, where to start and how to say..
What is that ??? Again discovering that i'm becoming more and more closed to outside world??
Strange.... and I don't know what to do with that.
P.S. any case here will be put a lot of posts, I want to share with you)))
happy holidays Ukraine )