Tuesday, November 11, 2008

being unread book...

Long time since I was writing here, mostly because I'm contributing to one more blog, - which is more about my life right now :)

Being unread book... This what I heard from one my teammate during feedback session last month. I felt my self really shocked, as all my life I was sure that I'm too opened to people an it costs me a lot of negative emotions sometimes. Last month I trying to speak, to chat with my teammates, but seams as I didn't succeed. So, I'm still unknown .... Does it mean that I changed from the time of being emotional and opened to people?? or it's just naturally that people become more closed with getting older.
Keep on discovering myself in the team :)


Unknown said...

readen or unreaden u are a very nice book
something like a fary tales book from childhood
at least to me u give this senzation:)

Anonymous said...

thank you dear, you always know when I need some sweet words to be heard :))))
from cold cold Ukraine