Monday, July 12, 2010

gym assignment, hmm sounds not like me

So, apart from all crazy things I've done last week, about which I'll write soon with pictures.
Today, I subscribed to the gym, super awesome and super expensive, brand which is known in all Europe David Lloyd -
Coming there feels really good, all entire atmosphere seems supporting to get there every day, so let me see :)


Lyuba said...

ой, Тетуанчик... все равно ошибки остались. у тебя даже ошибка в lables: не rendom, a rAndom :)

Люблю тебя за это :)

Bogdan said...

David Lloyd - это круто!!! ;)

Anonymous said...

ya tam navit uzhe 3 razy bula :) hodzhy v basejna, a zavtra zystrichayusya z instruktorom shob sklasty pgoramy zanyat

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