Wednesday, March 24, 2010

the best...

Through all my AIESEC experience I've been experiencing, something what I could name as "the best". In a while, having five years of the experience, I'm getting more and more "the best" things into my memory book.
There are some events, people, decisions, actions, achievements, which I truly may name as those memorable, good to remember, good to keep and get inspiration from.

2010 is definitely the year for "BEST" moments when dreams come true.

January :
The best rest in hometown full of love and joy, with someone I really like )
The best horse ride lessons and lovely horses farm
The best new MC flat MCs ever were living with amazing view to the river and bridge

The best experience of selection, reflection and self understanding
The best position I could ever dream about
the best cafe in Sidi Bou Said, Tunisia

The best faci experience
The best faci team
The best emotions and people around

To be continued ........

1 comment:

Nailya said...

Best people get best experiences, law of life:)